Author: Anna Frinzi
With a plethora of weight loss programs out there, it can feel overwhelming to choose one that feels right for you and that will be worth the time and effort. Noom has made this decision simpler as we have discovered the five key ingredients to losing weight successfully. Many Noomers have found tremendous success with a combination of some special ingredients. Without these elements, your weight loss program may as well be broken! Read on to find out what these essential components are in Noom’s program.
1. Community support and peer connection
One major key to successful weight loss is outside support from those with similar goals and values when it comes to improving one’s health. Noom provides this connection to its users in the form of group coaching. Group coaching involves a coach who is solely dedicated to leading a group of Noomers and providing interaction, motivation, accountability, and insight into weight loss success. This social connection is extremely valuable as tips, insight, and advice are shared to assist in reaching your health and wellness goals. While many may have that support in real life, Noom offers an additional form of social support to keep you on track and accountable to Your Big Picture and Ultimate Why that are initially set.
2. Personalized one-on-one coaching
While you may have thought group coaching sounded incredible, wait until you hear this! Along with the group setting, you will also receive the support of a one-on-one coach, referred to as your goal specialist. This coach is dedicated to you and works on an individualized basis in order to reach your unique and specific goals. Your goal specialist is the main resource for all things Noom and is your guide to setting small, weekly goals in order to achieve your long-term Super Goal in a sustainable and healthy method. Having that personalized support is essential to success on the path to a healthier you.
3. S.M.A.R.T goal setting
Have you ever heard of a S.M.A.R.T goal? If not, you will at Noom where you work on setting these types of goals to create a realistic route to achieving your Super Goal. S.M.A.R.T is an abbreviation for Specific, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound goals that will be created in order to stay on track. Each week, you will work with your goal specialist to create these small progressive steps to ensure success to reach your individualized weight loss goal. Each Noomer is unique thus having the personal touch of your goal specialist to form goals that are specific and doable is imperative.
4. State-of-the-art food logging
We here at Noom believe that tracking food is vital to success. Calorie counting can never be 100% accurate so we encourage Noomers to do their best with logging food. Tracking food is more about developing that awareness and mindfulness around food choices. It forces you to stop and take a moment to consider WHY you are going for that specific food in the moment. Are you truly hungry right now? How can I improve in the situations where I tend to go for food? What is my hunger level on a scale of 1-10 currently? All of these questions and more can be answered with the assistance of consistently and honestly logging your food. Noom provides a wide database of food that is constantly being updated in order to ensure accuracy and ease with this process. As this mindfulness around your food choices is developed, your goal specialist also has access to your food tracker and can provide input along the way.
5. Psychology!
The Noom team has created insightful content that is backed by reputable research, psychology, and scientific studies that is delivered in a simple, digestible way in the app. Each day, new ideas are presented in the curriculum to provide that extra boost in motivation when the going gets tough. Noom offers supportive psychological tricks that can be applied to various situations and provides real life examples that are relatable to those on the route to losing weight. Behavior change is essential for a successful weight loss program and Noom knows that this process takes time. That is why we provide you with the resources to set realistic goals and implement these small changes that lead to long term results.
These five vital ingredients of social connection, individualized coaching, goal setting, food tracking, and behavior change tips have helped transform lives for many Noomers as they develop the resources and knowledge to make lasting modifications. Noom has developed these features in order to create a “secret sauce” to achieving and maintaining weight loss goals. Check out Noom today to start your path to success!