Still within your trial?
Our intention with offering a free trial is to give you a no-strings-attached way to give the Noom Mood program a try. However, we understand that it’s not for everyone!
Please reach out to your Coach and request the cancelation of your trial. They’ll provide you with a link to do just that. You’ll be able to use the remaining time in your trial but you won’t be charged for a subscription.
Not sure how to do that? Check out this article on cancelations.
Are you a subscriber?
We understand that things happen — sometimes life gets busy and maybe you didn’t get to even try Noom before your subscription kicked in, you forgot to cancel in time, or even realized that Noom isn’t for you a few days late.
Not to worry — we want to make sure that we bring real value to the Noomers that we love and support.
Please message your Coach and ask for a refund — you can do that both in the app itself or in your Subscription Portal.
We’ve prepared detailed instructions on how to cancel and request a refund.
Please keep in mind:
Uninstalling the app doesn’t automatically cancel your subscription — you’ll still get charged. Please let your Coach know that you’d like to cancel before deleting the Noom app.
Not sure what your subscription status is?
Check out your Subscription Portal. Log in with the same credentials you used to create a Noom account and get details regarding your subscription, including what credit card you used to purchase, the amount you were / will be charged, renewal date, and more.
If you’re having trouble, please reach out to our Support Team via Please be sure to include the email you used to sign up for your program! This email is specifically for our Noom Mood program. If you’d like assistance canceling or refunding your Noom weight-loss program (Noom Weight) please use this form!